Physico-Chemical Properties and Parameters of Bolan Dam District Kachhi Balochistan, Pakistan




Bolan, Fish Biodiversity, river, parameters, Balochistan


The current study was planted to determine the Physico-chemical properties and parameters of Bolan Dam District Kacchi in Baluchistan. for this purpose, collected water from 4 different stations of Bolan Dam on monthly basis during January to December 2020.collected the samples of water near the surface of the dam at the depth of about 5-10 inches. The sampling time was 10-12am. Demonstrated the various physical parameters such as, temperature with the help of Zeal mercury meter it was ranged from 4-27℃, determine the transparency or turbidity with sacchi disk it ranged from 11.2-52.6. Total dissolved solids (TDS) ranged from 215-306 and electrical conductivity (EC) ranged from 233-321 both the TDS and EC were measured by utilization of conductivity meter. And the chemical parameters such as PH, dissolved oxygen and salinity ranged as 6.9-7.9, 79%- 95%, and 0.1-0.4 respectively. The results of different parameters indicated that seasonal variation found in all noted parameters and the all the observed parameters ranges are suitable for the survival of aquatic organisms. Hence, the research has concluded that the Bolan Dam is a suitable site for different types of fresh water fishes survival.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7349628
Published: 2022-10-22

How to Cite

Saeeda Bibi, Ghulam Dastagir, Saddiqa Ahmed, & Asyia Kareem. (2022). Physico-Chemical Properties and Parameters of Bolan Dam District Kachhi Balochistan, Pakistan. Pakistan’s Multidisciplinary Journal for Arts & Science, 3(03), 01 –.


