Plagiarism Policy

PAKISTAN’S MULTI DISCIPLINARY JOURNAL FOR ARTS & SCIENCE (PMDJAS) has devised a specific plagiarism policy as per Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad, Pakistan criteria to promotehonest work in academics. As per plagiarism policy, 19% similarly and 4% Individual Source, plagiarism isadmissible in any submission to the journal. It is more convenient to submit Turnitin report whilesubmitting paper to the journal. For more details please visit the HEC following link.

  • After revision, it will again be processed through the same software for checking its originality. After a satisfactory report, it will be sent to reviewers for peer review
  • Articles with a similarity index within more than 19%  and  Internet sournce more the 4 will not be published
  • The similarities in the document may contain matches with author's previous work; it may be ignored if it is the same work.

HEC Plagiarism Policy