A Sociological Assessment of The Awareness Level of Civic Responsibilities Among University Students: A Case Study of Baluchistan


  • Parveen Naseer Department of Sociology University of Balochistan, Quetta - 87300, Pakistan
  • Alam Tareen Dean Faculty of Social Science University of Balochistan Quetta - 87300, Pakistan
  • Tariq Ali Department of Sociology, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering, and Management Sciences, Quetta.




Civic Management, Higher Education, Social Responsibilities, Civic Values, Civic Education, Community Development


To attain common objective and make progress, a society needs certain guiding principles. To a large extent, well established and recognized customary values can guarantee this aim of societal progressiveness, which can never let anyone divert or act contrary to the collective goals of society. Certain values have held together every society. These values and acts help to keep society running smooth, ensure security for future generations and help to keep people happy. Civic sense is unspoken norms of a society, the role of citizen in a society with specific values can also be considered as civic sense, Nation and societies need certain guiding principle to attain common objective and make progress. The research study intended to explore the status of the noncompliance to civic values and further revealed the root causes and contributing factors for noncompliance to the civic values. Remedial measures were suggested based on the findings of the study. Certain values have held together in every society. These values and acts help to keep society running smooth, ensure security for future generations and help to keep people happy. The research methodology of this study is designed by considering the importance of viewpoints on multiple dimensions of the study, hence mixed method approach was applied by using both quantitative and qualitative for data collection. Quantitative method was used for conducting perception survey for gathering quantifiable information from the primary target group (students at universities in Quetta) of the population under study. From the qualitative methods perspective Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) conducted by selecting respondents from the university of Balochistan (University of Balochistan SBK, University of Turbat) who have potential and position to influence policy reforms. This thesis is explored the level of civic values and measured the student’s level of understanding civic values and their role for contributing to community development.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7514881
Published: 2023-04-16

How to Cite

Parveen Naseer, Alam Tareen, & Tariq Ali. (2023). A Sociological Assessment of The Awareness Level of Civic Responsibilities Among University Students: A Case Study of Baluchistan. Pakistan’s Multidisciplinary Journal for Arts & Science, 4(01), 10 –. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7514881


