Rare Diseases at The Emergency Department: Time for Action



Rare Diseases, Chromosomal, Abnormalities, Healthcare


In Europe rare diseases (RD) are defined as those that affect one in two thousand individuals or fewer. Globally, they affect around 6% of the population, and this means that, collectively, healthcare providers deal with a considerable number of patients with a rare disease, of which over 70% are genetically determined. Aim of this paper is to develop a proposal for a national flowchart applicable to patients with known or unknown rare disorders at the ED.


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How to Cite

Manelli Filippo, & Maria Sofia Cotelli. (2023). Rare Diseases at The Emergency Department: Time for Action. Pakistan’s Multidisciplinary Journal for Arts & Science, 3(02), 01 –. Retrieved from https://pmdjas.com/index.php/pmdjas/article/view/46


