Impacts of Water Quality on Mastacembelus Armatus in Bolan River, Balochistan


  • Zarina Malik Department of Zoology University of Balochistan
  • Ghulam Dastagir Achakzai Department of Zoology University of Balochistan
  • Ghulam Muhammad Khetran Department of Zoology University of Balochistan



Water Quality, Mastacembelus Armatus, Length-Weight, Bolan River


The following paper study was conducted to analyze the effects of water quality parameters on the fish, Mastacembelus Armatus in Bolan river, Balochistan. Mastacembelus accounts for a large percentage of the fish population present in the river. Five key parameters that include temperature, pH, Total dissolved solids, Dissolved oxygen, and Turbidity were measured throughout the year 2020 along the Bolan river on 4 sites namely Bibi Nani, near the town of Daranjan, near the town of Kirta, and Gokurth Recreational Park. It was found that in the spring and around the month of October when the weather is suitable enough for crops as well as it gets crowded by people, that’s when the growth of the fish is disrupted and shows allometric growth as shown by the results. Fish populations closer to the towns of Kirta and Daranjan show more allometric growth: the regression coefficient b shows greater deviation from its normal value 3 because the pollutants have a direct influence on fish populations. Thus the study shows that the conventional use of chemicals instead of organic methods for living are the leading causes for the decline in the populations of Mastacembelus Armatus.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7367984
Published: 2022-11-28

How to Cite

Zarina Malik, Ghulam Dastagir Achakzai, & Ghulam Muhammad Khetran. (2022). Impacts of Water Quality on Mastacembelus Armatus in Bolan River, Balochistan. Pakistan’s Multidisciplinary Journal for Arts & Science, 3(03), 15 –.


