Detailed Analysis of Cirrhinus Mrigala Length-Weight Relationships and Condition Factors in Local Fish Markets of Quetta City


  • Saba Ujala Department of Zoology University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan
  • Wali Muhammad Achakzai Department of Zoology University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan
  • Mushtaq Ahmed Department of Zoology University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan
  • Tahseen Ara Department of Zoology University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan



Cirrhinus, Mrigala, Cyprinidae, Quetta, Condition, Factor


Residents of Quetta frequently consume C. mrigala, since it is a member of the family of carps renowned for its delectable flavor. The current study's objective is to ascertain the growth, length, and weight relationships of C. mrigala in Quetta's local fish markets. From June to December 2022. They were between 60 and 1580g in weight and 15–47 cm in length (TL). Equations below demonstrate the link between length and weight: W = 0.00428 L3.2875, W = 0.0048 L3.251, and W = 0.0082 L3.076 (for the combined population) (for female population). Relative condition factor (Kn) samples ranged from 0.77 to 1.56 in the total population (Mean 1.036 0.30); for men, they ranged from 0.70 to 1.70 (Mean1.0332 0.276); and for females, they ranged from 0.69 to 1.70. (Mean 1.0334 0.283). In all categories, there was a positive allometric association between length and weight, with females having the strongest correlation. The condition factor demonstrates that C. mrigala growth in local fishe markets of Quetta city is good.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7471383
Published: 2023-04-16

How to Cite

Saba Ujala, Wali Muhammad Achakzai, Mushtaq Ahmed, & Tahseen Ara. (2023). Detailed Analysis of Cirrhinus Mrigala Length-Weight Relationships and Condition Factors in Local Fish Markets of Quetta City. Pakistan’s Multidisciplinary Journal for Arts & Science, 3(03), 45 –.


